Íslenski ferðavefurinn

  • endursetja

Þorbergssetur Hali in Suðursveit

Þórbergssetur opened on July 1, 2006, at the farm Hali in south-eastern Iceland. It was built in memory of the author Þórbergur Þórðarson (1888-1974), who was born at the site. The centre houses a restaurant, souvenir shop and two exhibition spaces.

Þórbergssetur opened on July 1, 2006, at the farm Hali in south-eastern Iceland. It was built in memory of the author Þórbergur Þórðarson (1888-1974), who was born at the site. The centre houses a restaurant, souvenir shop and two exhibition spaces.

One of the spaces is used for various exhibitions, while the other offers an retrospective of Þórbergur’s life. With props and backdrops evoking impressions of past ages, it tells the story of Þórbergur’s life, from his childhood years at Hali at the turn of the century, to his twilight years in postwar Reykjavík. While the exhibition provides an overview of an remarkable artistic career, it also tells the larger story of the changes wrought on Icelandic society by the twentieth century.


Í grennd

Hali, Suðursveit
Hali er einn Breiðabólstaðarbæjanna í Suðursveit. Þar fæddist Þórbergur Þórðarson (1889-1974),  rithöfundur. Meðal verka þessa fræga höfundar eru „Bré…
Fyrir 1950 rann Jökulsá á Breiðamerkursandi beint undan jökli u.þ.b. 1½ km til sjávar. Síðan hefur jökullinn hörfað og sístækkandi lón myndazt. Meðalr…
Suðursveit er ævintýraland sem fleiri mættu gefa gaum að en hingað til. Óvíða finnst á svæði sem aka má   gegnum á þjóðvegi á um hálftíma slík fjölbre…

Allar ábendingar eru velkomnar. Reynum að hafa staðreyndir eins réttar og mögulegt er.

Veldu landshluta

nat.is er upplýsinga- og ferðavefur um Ísland sem var stofnaður 1998.  Íslenska útgáfan er is.nat.is.    ( nat@nat.is )