Syðradalsvatn er í Hólshreppi, Bolungarvík. Hér er um mjög gott veiðivatn að ræða. Það er um 1 km2 að stærð og um þrjá metra fyrir ofan sjávarmál. Þangað gengur mikið af sjógengnum fiski, s.s. sjóbleikju, sjóbirtingi og laxi. Mest veiði hefur fengist neðan við grasbala, næst bænum Hanhóli. Aðal veiðisvæðið hefur jafnan verið það, sem markast af bænum Miðdal og svokallaðri Selá, sem rennur í vatnið að suðaustan.
Veiði er heimil í öllu vatninu og meðfylgjandi not eru af nærliggjandi ám,
Gilsá og Tröllá.
Fishing card:
(Lake Syðridalur)
Syðridalsvatn is located at Bolungavík in Ísafjarðardjúp, to the far North-West of Iceland.
Distance from Reykjavík and nearest township:
Distance from Reykjavík is 473 km, with only a few km to Ísafjörður.
Practical information:
The lake covers an area of 1 km2 and rises to 3 m above sea level.
Fishing area:
No restrictions. Cardholders are welcome to try out the rivers Gilsá and Tröllá as well. It is forbidden to fish in river Ósa and closer to river it than were the marks are at Grjótnes and Vatnsnes. You can buy separate fishing licence for that river.
There are good camping facilities in Bolungavik with good facilities In Bolungavik you can also find nice guesthouses, swimming pool.
Fishing potential:
Char, sea trout, sea char and an occasional salmon.
This lake is excellent for fishing. There you can catch sea char, brown trout and salmon. The best places are close to the farm Hanahóll, near the Miðdalur farm and at the Selá river mouth.
Daily opening hours:
Fishing is allowed from 07:00 am – 22:00 pm.
No restrictions. Ice fishing is permitted during the winter.
All bait is allowed: fly, worm and lure
Best time of the year:
July and August.
Littering is forbidden. Dogs are not allowed to run loose. Cardholders must sign up at Geirastadir and show both the Veiðikortið and an appropriate ID. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.
Contact/ landlord:
Arnþór Jónsson at Geirastadir. Tel: (+354) 456-7118 or GSM: (+354) 897-7370
Fishing card only costs 8.900 ISK.